Kafka (1991)

This is apparently an incredibly hard to find film as it was never released on DVD. But if you do happen to find a copy of the film, here's what's in store: The movie is a historical fiction piece about novelist Franz Kafka as the main character in a world based on his own history (as an insurance clerk and writer before he became anti-establishment) and his novel The Castle. The film was the second film by Oscar winning director Steven Soderbergh (Ocean's Eleven, Twelve and Thirteen, Erin Brockavich, Traffic, Contagion, and Magic Mike) it stars Oscar Winner Jeremy Irons (Reversal of Fortune, voice of Scar from Disney's Lion King) as Kafka, it's one of the last movies by Oscar winner Sir Alec Guinness (Obi Wan from Star Wars A New Hope, and The Bridge on The River Kwai) it also features Ian Holm ( old Bilbo from Lord of The Rings and Hobbit trilogies as well as the android from Alien [1979]), and one of my favorite actors Armin Muller Stahl (Shine, Avalon). The film is in black and white for the first half and changes to color when Kafka enters the castle, it also has really cool special effects and a great fight scene on top of a giant glass dome. It's similar to Terry Gilliam's Brazil, or George Orwell's 1984 and it is pretty cool if you know a bit about Kafka, his life, and his writings. I give it a 4/5. (P.S. gotta love the internet, somebody uploaded the entire movie to youtube, find it here, or just view the trailer here.

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