Saturday, January 18, 2014

The Funhouse (1981)

The Funhouse (1981) directed by Tobe Hooper (original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Salem's Lot, and Poltergeist) probably up there in my top ten favorite horror movies now, and if you know me that's saying something. The movie is on the same caliber as the original Halloween pretty much. It's the perfect creepy carnival movie. If the midways of carnivals or State Fairs kind of creep you out or their workers do, or clowns, or funhouses, this one's for you. Not only is it set in a funhouse but the actual film is a funhouse in itself, it's dark and has some good scares and TONS of random junk to look at it, it's a veritable I-Spy book at times. The only flaw I could find was that the bad guy's mask started to look fake the longer the shots stayed on it, but for the most part the camera did a good job of hiding the fakey-ness of the mask by not showing it head on for long or at all in many scenes, plus the movie has creepy hobos and a perfect storm and the funhouse gets a curse put on it too, I give it a 5/5. P.S. Don't too much research on this one, the biggest scare of the movie is revealed in lots of pictures if you do a google image search, so just read some reviews and watch the trailer:

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