Monday, February 10, 2014

Ravenous (1999)

Make no mistake, this film is messed up. Ravenous takes place in the 1800s during the Mexican-American war. The story is set at a military outpost in the mountains of northern California. A man who has been wandering through the wilderness for 3 days arrives at the outpost telling the men about the misfortune he has suffered since embarking with his family to California. He and the rest of his party got stuck in the mountains ran out of food, ate all their horses and oxen, and then eventually started eating each other (based on true story of the donner party). The man then tells the soldiers that there are still two people alive trapped in the cave and he begs them to go look for them, the soldiers comply and follow the man to the cave only to realize no one was left alive and that they just walked into a trap. This film is very different, it is a period piece, but because of its quick editing and Tarantino-esque grittyness ( as well as a semi rock soundtrack and a very high David Arquette, and Guy Pearce in the lead role) this film has a definite distinct 90s feel. The formula for the film is two parts horror, one part morality tale, and one part black comedy (this is the darkest of dark humor). The tagline for the film: "You are who you eat" pretty much says it all, of all the films out there about cannibalism that I know of though, I would have to say this is the most well made of them all (from a technical aspect). The film also has some really good twists in it and it is very psychological, but in a way that challenges everything you've ever been taught about what's right and wrong, and I didn't really like that to say the least. If cannibal movies are your thing though by all means give this one a watch, but it was a bit too disturbing for my taste (no pun intended), so much so that I found myself still disturbed by it days after seeing it. I give it a 5/5 for how well made it is, but weighing my actual enjoyment of the film a give it a 3.5/5; You can view the trailer below:

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